Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Your Basic Golf Swing Guide

The key to playing better golf is mastering the golf swing. Learning the basic golf swing is the first step to playing better golf. Every basic problem you can have such as fading the ball, slicing, erratic play, hitting short, flat drives, worm burners all are related to an incorrect golf swing. Fixing your swing is the first and most important step to scoring lower on your rounds. This article will provide the foundation of the basic golf swing.

The most important thing to remember when swinging a golf club is use the kiss principle otherwise known as keep it short and sweet, don't over think it just relax and swing. The basic golf swing guide starts with the setup and stance. Most individuals have a good setup and stance but it is important to relax and not grip the club too hard. The next step is to use a grip that is comfortable to you and now we move on to the back swing.

During the back swing try not to think about your arms but rather think about slightly turning your back toward the target and the club being behind your head. Next is the down swing and the best thing to do here is to just let it go as this should be a fluid motion to and through the impact zone.

The impact zone is often the point at which you know if you have hit a good shot or if your ball is going into the drink. After hitting through the impact zone the swing will go to the follow through. The follow through is the least important part of the golf swing because most of the work has already been done prior to this step. Furthermore, if the ball has not been struck properly little can be done on the follow through to correct it.

By William Temple

William Temple is an avid golfer who enjoys helping people improve their golf game by fixing their golf swing and hitting better iron shots. Fixing your golf swing will eliminate most of you bad habits

To get your copy of the golf swing fix guide visit this website CureMyGolfSwing.com

Also, to learn more about How To Hit Those Great Irons Shots this website will get you on your way HittingIrons.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Temple

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