Tuesday, March 24, 2009

15 Top Golf Swing Tips

Golf swing tips can be found online or you can invest in one of the many golf swing instruction e-books. Most of the tips on golf swing techniques go into a lot of detail - sometimes too much detail. What most golfers with a swing fault need are a few basic golf swing tips; whether it is to fix a slice or learn more about the short game in golf.

5 Tips on How to Drive Long Off the Tee

One of the best ways to score lower is to gain more golf distance off the tee. When you have a shorter distance to the green you have more chance to score par or better. Of course, you need accuracy as well as distance; otherwise you will be in a worse situation. Here are 5 quick and easy tips to help you drive long off the tee:

  1. Tee the ball up higher and position it off your leading foot's instep so that you hit the ball on the upswing

  2. Don't hit the ball with all your power - use a steady rhythm and work on increasing your swing speed

  3. Use the right shaft flex for your swing speed - use a flexible shaft if you have a lower swing speed

  4. Cock your wrists early on the backswing and un-cock them as late as possible on the downswing

  5. Turn your shoulders a full 90 degrees for maximum distance

5 Tips on How to Master Golf Irons

Learning to master golf irons is an overlooked subject. There are many resources available to improve your driving and putting but not much emphasis is placed on the golf iron play. Learn to dominate your golf irons with these 5 tips:

  1. Practice on the driving range to know your average distance with each golf iron in your bag

  2. Use the right iron for the distance you want to hit it and use a full swing

  3. Take into account the wind strength and distance as well as other factors like height and slopes

  4. Playing from the rough is different from playing from the fairway - you will need to adjust the ball position, stance, iron loft, and attack angle

  5. Learn proper course management - going for the pin is sometimes not the best option

5 Tips on How to Improve Your Golf Short Game

The golf short game is one of the most important areas of the golf game. Being able to hit long and accurate drives is all well and good, but if you can't chip the ball on the green, all that effort will be wasted. The short game of golf is where you really need to practice, so check out the following 5 tips:

  1. From under 50 yards, use a bump and run and get the ball rolling as soon as possible

  2. Use a slightly open stance and place your feet closer together

  3. Choose one club (7, 8, or 9 iron) and practice your chipping from different distances with it

  4. The length of your backswing will determine the distance the ball will travel

  5. When playing over a hazard, use a more lofted club with a pitching swing

These tips on golf swing technique cover three areas of the game that are important but there are other areas that you have to learn to dominate. They are bunker or sand trap play, putting, pitching, and learning how to cure a slice or hook (if you have these swing faults.) Golf is an all round game - meaning that you have to be proficient in every aspect of the game. Don't just concentrate on how to be a long driver; instead practice with every club in your golf bag.

By Mick Euan Tait

You can find more detailed golf tips at Mick's website on how to Cure A Golf Hook and How To Fix A Slice, as well as the other golf swing techniques mentioned in the above article

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mick_Euan_Tait

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How to Swing a Golf Club For Accuracy and Distance

For those folks who have come to realize that trying to hit that little bumpy sphere with that rather small club is harder than Tiger Woods makes it look, read on. If you are ever going to be under par and hang out with the big boys on the course, you simply must learn how to swing a golf club.

There is nothing quite like the feeling of power you can get when your arms, hips, and eye are all in sync and the ball goes straight down the fairway soaring ever closer to its intended target. Golf is a personal sport, even if you play doubles or as part of a golf team. There is not a single golfer alive who does not want to improve his game, and a big part of that is learning how to swing a golf club better than you did last time.

So, what exactly is involved in that perfect arcing motion that results in a solid thwack that lifts the orb into just the right path and just the right height? Well, for non-golfers, it may seem like a simple movement of the arms only, but when you begin to learn how to swing a golf club, you realize that it is not an isolated movement of the arms; rather, a good golf swing involves the whole body, from head to toe.

If you want to get the best swing, there are a variety of ways to do so; check out some books on the subject so you can wrap your head around the concept. Then, like anything else, you need to practice, practice, practice. There are classes you can take and computer simulation programs you can use when you can't actually get out to the driving range or golf course, and getting a good golfer to help you is a great idea as well.

By Barby Berlin

Hit a Golf Ball Harder, Further and Straighter! How to Swing a Golf Club is the place to visit

Check out this review of the best golf improvement products on the market! Click Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Barby_Berlin

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Why a Stance Adjustment May Help You Play Better Golf

For the first two and a half years of my golf life, I could not understand why all of my shots were sailing off in directions I had originally unintended. It wasn't until later I figured out that my stance needed corrected that I began to play better golf.

I am sure you go to the range and you see people hitting inconsistent shots. Hooking, slicing, topping, or even missing the ball. If they corrected their stance, they could correct this problem, and essentially, play better golf.

Some things you may want to do to adjust your stance include,

1. Take a step back. Nowadays, graphite shafts are the standard for woods on the golf course. They are much more flexible than steel shafts. This means that in your downswing, the head of the club is going to hit the ball later than it would with the steel shafts. Taking a step back will have the club head meet the ball where you want it to.

2. Place a club at your feet pointing in the direction that you want the ball to go. Place your toes right up next to the club, and square your body to your feet. This will lock the direction of your ball flight. If you want to play better golf, direction is key.

3. What I like to do is, before my back swing, I place the head of the club behind the ball with the sweet spot centered. I lean the club against myself and bend my knees until the tip of the club meets my belt buckle. This way, I know the position I need to be in in order for the sweet spot to meet the ball.

Golf is a very difficult game, taking years of practice, these tips will give you a good beginning to being able to play better golf. For more tips on improving your game, visit my blog, The Simple Golf Swing.

By M Scherrah

Play Better Golf

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_Scherrah

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Play Better Golf by Improving Your Swing

One summer, I was golfing with a group of guys I have never met before. One of them had the longest drive I have ever seen, it's just, he could not control it. These drives were going 300-350 yards, but some ended up on fairways of different holes, or in the woods, etc. I had no idea that a simple tip was going to drastically improve his swing, allowing him to play better golf.

What I told him was to loosen up his grip and keep his wrists straight. I know, nothing new to anyone who has shanked a shot here or there, but you will be surprised how many people know this, but do not do it. This guy took the suggestion, and was killing the balls.

Every time you go onto the course, I am sure you get bombarded but suggestions from your golfing buddies. But sometimes this advice can help you. Do not think they are scrutinizing you, they want to help you. If you want to play better golf, try taking some suggestions, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Improve your swing, play better golf, it's that simple! Do not be afraid to take the suggestions of golfers who seem to know their stuff. You never know, they may give you the tidbit you need to improve your swing, and essentially play better golf.

If you would like some more serious tips to drastically improve your golf game in as little as two weeks, check out my blog, The Simple Golf Swing.

By M Scherrah

Play Better Golf

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_Scherrah

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Improve Your Swing by Relaxing

Every so often, something happens, whether is is in you life or even on the course, that really gets into your head. It eats at you constantly until it is the only thing you think of. This can critically damage your game. If you want to improve you swing, you need to take some time and mentally prepare, so you can be relaxed on the golf course.

Improving you swing can be as easy as taking a few deep breaths, or as difficult as changing your whole perspective of the day. Either way, these tips will help you get through the course with a good score.

1. Like I said, deep breaths can ease a lot. Have you ever had an argument where you got so mad you thought you were going to blow up, only to take a step back, take a deep breath, and calm down? You can do this on the golf course too. Say you double bogey a hole, and you are steamed. When you get to the next tee box, you need to have the last hole out of your mind. Improving your swings for this hole depends on a clear mind. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and you will be surprised.

2. Positive thinking makes a world of difference. You hear this all of the time, but it is true, if you want to improve your swing, you need to think positive. Thinking positive helps you to visualize what you want to do, and how you want to do it. If you think positively, your mind is clearer and you think less of the poor swings you had on the last hole.

3. Concentrate on the good. So what? You had a bad hole, believe it or not, even Tiger has bad holes. Instead of dwelling on the negative, think of all of the good swings you have had. Many times I have had bad holes I would think of the holes I played perfect, and it helped me to improve my swing on the current hole.

These tips might sound like they have no place in the world of golf, but believe me, they truly help. Remember, golf is as mental as it is physical. You might be able to crush the ball 300 yards, but if you are thinking negatively, most of your game is going to be bad. If you want to improve your swing, try to relax.

By M Scherrah

For more information on playing better golf, visit my blog, http://the-simple-swing.blogspot.com

Play Better Golf

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_Scherrah

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Golf Push Slice

If you are struggling with your swing shot and the ball in not going straight towards the target then there are chances that you are slicing or hooking the ball. In most of the cases, your friend or fellow golfers comes to you and tell you to try something. May be the advice can work for you but if it does not then you will loose confidence and your swing might get worse. You need to worry though because almost all the amateur golfers face this problem of slice in their swing. But there are only a few who are able to sort it out. One important factor to deal with the problem of slice is to know which type of slice shot is your? Either it golf slice, golf pull slice or golf push slice.

I have seen that most of the golfers don't know about their golf slice type and hence been struggling for this problem for a long time. In all three golf slice types, golf push slice is the most common. In this type of shot the golf ball follows a in-to-out path. The trajectory of the ball starts from the right side of the target line and curves further right. A push slice is opposite of pull slice in which the ball follows an out-to-in path.

The root cause of this error is open face of your club at the impact. Also your body balance can be crucial factor. Sometimes there can be problems in the ball position, grip, your stance and your swing mechanics. Well, all these factors are crucial for any swing whether you are driving or chipping.

Once you know that you are getting golf push slice then you will be able to fix this error more rapidly. For that you should try the following methods:

  1. Always use a tighter grip if you are getting push slice.

  2. Try to increase your upper body movement and decrease the lower body movement.

  3. Make sure that the ball is properly positioned before a swing. Also move the ball a little forward for a better impact.

  4. Take a look at your stance and make sure that your body and shoulders are properly aligned to the target line.

  5. Finally, concentrate on the rhythmic motion of the arms and shoulder with the swing.

A slice shot is not easy to deal with and often take some time to cure. But if you try practice with all the above factors in mind then it will be easy for you to sort out the problem of slice.

By Jeff Richard

Mr. Jeff Richard is a golfer having expertise in all the golfing fundamentals. The author has also written a golf guide for the amateur golfer that will help them to learn and play the game well. The book also covers some of the golfing errors like golf push slice, golf hook, golf draw and fade, etc

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Richard

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Why a Short Backswing in Golf Is Better

By most accounts a short backswing in golf is better, because you avoid the problems of over swinging and the dreaded "across the line" position at the top of the backswing. Just by looking at golfers like Phil Mickelson, Ernie Els, and especially Camilo Villegas have tried to shorten their back swings and quiet the excess motion in the golf swing.

So why is a short backswing better? Well the reasons are abundant, but the most important factor is that you avoid losing control of the club at the top. A smooth transition is essential to a solid golf swing, but to do that you need to have a solid back swing. So toning down on the back swing will promote greater accuracy.

Most people have to long of a backswing because they are trying to increase their shoulder turn. To turn your shoulders you do not have to take the club past parallel! In fact, i can turn my shoulder over 90 degrees without my club even reaching parallel. The key to hitting the ball long and straight is to have a big shoulder turn, and that does not mean a long back swing.

A short backswing in golf is better, simply because that is what all of the professionals are working on. Look at J.B. Holmes and Camilo Villegas, these are two of the longest hitters on the PGA tour and they do not even bring the club to parallel at the top. If the top players in the world are doing it then chances are it can help your game too!

So next time you head to the range make sure that you are not over swinging and this should help you hit the ball further and much more solid.

By Matthew Lord

See The Exact Methods I Use To Crank 290 Yard Drives Everytime I Play!

Visit http://swing-a-golf-club.blogspot.com for Instant Access!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Lord

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Your Basic Golf Swing Guide

The key to playing better golf is mastering the golf swing. Learning the basic golf swing is the first step to playing better golf. Every basic problem you can have such as fading the ball, slicing, erratic play, hitting short, flat drives, worm burners all are related to an incorrect golf swing. Fixing your swing is the first and most important step to scoring lower on your rounds. This article will provide the foundation of the basic golf swing.

The most important thing to remember when swinging a golf club is use the kiss principle otherwise known as keep it short and sweet, don't over think it just relax and swing. The basic golf swing guide starts with the setup and stance. Most individuals have a good setup and stance but it is important to relax and not grip the club too hard. The next step is to use a grip that is comfortable to you and now we move on to the back swing.

During the back swing try not to think about your arms but rather think about slightly turning your back toward the target and the club being behind your head. Next is the down swing and the best thing to do here is to just let it go as this should be a fluid motion to and through the impact zone.

The impact zone is often the point at which you know if you have hit a good shot or if your ball is going into the drink. After hitting through the impact zone the swing will go to the follow through. The follow through is the least important part of the golf swing because most of the work has already been done prior to this step. Furthermore, if the ball has not been struck properly little can be done on the follow through to correct it.

By William Temple

William Temple is an avid golfer who enjoys helping people improve their golf game by fixing their golf swing and hitting better iron shots. Fixing your golf swing will eliminate most of you bad habits

To get your copy of the golf swing fix guide visit this website CureMyGolfSwing.com

Also, to learn more about How To Hit Those Great Irons Shots this website will get you on your way HittingIrons.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Temple

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Golf Software - Analyzing Your Statistics

So, you have purchased your golf analysis software and now have some 'stats'. But, like the terrier that chased the bus and, for once, managed to catch it, what do you do with them?

Unlike our proverbial terrier who sat waiting for the bus, the stats that you accumulated have nothing to do with chance. They are as a result of your correctly having recorded the information on which the stats are founded. So that's the first, arguably the most important, issue. Always remember the old computer adage, "Garbage in, Garbage out!"

Getting Professional Advice

To get the most out of your golf analysis software you cannot do better than to discuss your stats with your local PGA Teaching Pro. He, or she, will be able to relate what is happening on the golf course to what you are doing on the practice tee. Your Pro, as a registered PGA member, will have the knowledge and experience to identify discrepancies in the way that you strike the ball and the results you are achieving under actual playing conditions. This might mean an adjustment to your swing, your course management or simply your mental approach to the game. But what if you can't afford the expense? Perhaps the following pointers, relating to some fundamentals of the game will help you.

The Tee shot

"Drive for show and putt for dough", or so they say. But, in truth, the tee shot sets up the rest of the game. If you are hitting the fairway or first cut most of the time then scoring well is that much easier. If driving is a problem your stat will tell you where you are missing - right (the common fault), left or 50, 50 either side.

Ask yourself questions such as. "Is there a common thread to my wayward drives?" Are you trying for that little bit of extra distance; perhaps you are 'holding back' and not making a full swing when confronted with tight fairways and water hazards. The stat will tell you the "what"; you need to identify the "why". Finally, learn to live with what you have in terms of your physique and swing. Don't try to keep up with players younger, stronger or more supple than yourself. Live with your left to right fade and start the ball down the left side rather than fight it and end up with a duck hook.

The Shot to the Green

However many strokes you have taken to get there, the shot to the green is really the one to take note of. The majority of club golfers miss the green short rather than long. Yes, this can be because the wind is stronger than we think; but oft-times it is because we think we are stronger than we are. Two important stats are Greens in Net-regulation and Percent accuracy with Club Group Type (e.g. medium or short irons or wedges). Net-regulation is a term I coined to identify the average club member's equivalent of greens in regulation used by professionals and single figure handicap players. If you are hitting a high percentage of greens in 'regulation' plus your handicap stroke(s) you are doing exceptionally well and playing steady golf. When it comes to club groupings, you would expect that the percentage shots hitting the green with wedges and short irons should be higher than medium or long iron groupings. So very quickly you can focus your practice on the weaker areas and take more care in club selection during play.

The Short Game

The extent to which you get 'up and down' after chipping or pitching around the green or from greenside bunkers probably has the greatest impact on your ability to score well. Stats that are broken into subsets of 'distance from the pin' (say up to 10 feet, 10 to 15 feet and so on) will provide good feedback on how well you are managing the chip and pitch shots. The fact that you make a putt from 20 feet or more gives a warm feeling - but if you chipped and pitched more effectively you would take a lot of pressure off yourself and shave a handful of strokes off your handicap. Equally, if a good percentage of your greenside bunker shots are finishing more that 10 to 15 feet from the pin you know where you should spend a goodly portion of your practice time! Putting, well that's another story!

In Summary

Your golf analysis software is effectively another club in your bag. So use it wisely!

By Barry Pratt

Barry Pratt has been playing golf for over 50 years and got to single figures. He is a keen statistician and developed a golf analysis software program in conjunction with teaching pros. To get a copy please visit http://www.scoretraq.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Barry_Pratt

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Improve Your Golf Swing With These Two Great Tips

Improve your golf swing and finally achieve those low scores. That is what every golfer is trying to achieve. Regardless if you're playing three to four times a week or just a weekend warrior your goals are to get better and shoot lower scores. The best way to achieve those lower scores is to fix the core of every problem. Hit fades, fix your swing. Hit slicing or banana shots, your swing is the issue. This article will provide you with two great tips that can help you improve your golf swing.

Improving your golf swing is about learning and mastering the basics and then building on top of that. The challenge is that no two body types are the same so what works for one person may not work for someone else. So the key for every person is to adapt their bodies to perform that perfect swing in their own unique way. The first basic step you can put into action is to keep your head still and keep your eyes fixated on the ball. Doing this will help you in keeping the club face square through the hitting zone. A direct result often times when you miss hit your shot is lifting your eyes up to see how your shot was a split second before making contact.

The other basic step is to relax while addressing the ball and through the entire golf swing. A problem that many golfers have is gripping the club too tight and being too rigid in your stance both are a product of being tense. Just try to relax and loosen your grip on the club and you will see an improvement in your game. When you relax you can let the club do the work for you instead of you trying to manufacture good shots and distance. Golf is a very hard sport to master but if you keep learning and trying different things you will see improvement in your golf game and always try and have fun.

By William Temple

William Temple is an avid golfer who enjoys helping people improve their golf game by fixing their golf swing and hitting better iron shots. Fixing your golf swing will eliminate most of you bad habits

To get your copy of the golf swing fix guide visit this website CureMyGolfSwing.com

Also, to learn more about How To Hit Those Great Irons Shots this website will get you on your way HittingIrons.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Temple

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The Six Fundamentals of a Golf Swing

Does a golf swing training regimen really work? The answer to that question depends on what you put into your training plan. How can I explain in this article how to perfect your golf swing when professional golfers have the time and money to constantly work on their swings and some still have issues with it. The answer is fundamentals. A fluid and consistent golf swing can be attained by sticking to the fundamentals of the golf swing. This article will touch on six fundamental principles of golf and how sticking to them can improve your game.

There are six fundamentals in the golf swing:

1. Grip, how you hold the club.
2. Posture, how you set up to the ball. This is a key to a successful golf swing. The width of your stance, The amount of knee flex, the straightening of the back are all aspects of posture. The angle the back maintains throughout the swing and the bending from the hip socket are also related to the posture
3. Pivoting, how you move your body from your head to your toes this excludes your hands and arms.
4. The hand and arm relationship, what the hands and arms do in the golf swing.
5. Alignment, how you pick and set up to your target.
6. The mental side, the ability to play without thinking about it. I would argue that this is the most important aspect of your golf game. Why is it when we get so frustrated with our poor play that you just go up and hit a great shot without thinking about it. Most sports are 90% mental and the rest is skill. Tiger Woods is a perfect example of this principle.

I wanted to write this article because fixing your golf swing always leads back to the fundamentals. What happens in basketball, football when you are not playing well. The cliche we are going back to the basics is often brought up and that cliche also applies to fixing your golf game when you are playing poorly.

By William Temple

William Temple is an avid golfer who enjoys helping people improve their golf game by fixing their golf swing and hitting better iron shots. Fixing your golf swing will eliminate most of you bad habits

To get your copy of the golf swing fix guide visit this website CureMyGolfSwing.com

Also, to learn more about How To Hit Those Great Irons Shots this website will get you on your way HittingIrons.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Temple

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Are Golf Course Green Fees Out of Hand?

Golf is getting more expensive to play. I love the game but the outlandish golf course green fees and cart costs are making it harder to afford. I believe the green fees started to rise in the 1990's. Today it is hard to find a golf course that won't charge you $50 for green fees on weekdays and more on the weekends. These fees are rising ahead of the cost of living.

What happened? I believe a lot of golf courses are being built to adapt to the weekend duffer's game with plush fairways and manicured greens. This over indulgent need to provide perfect playing conditions has skyrocketed golf course maintenance budgets.

Whatever happened to the reasoning of building a course according to the lay of the land with all the slopes and valleys? Where the only maintenance being done was cutting the fairways and watering the greens? Mother Nature was in charge of the fairways and rough. I still play a few of those golf courses in Pennsylvania at $12 for green fees, $6 extra for a riding cart on a weekday. If it's mid-summer you can expect semi-brown fairways. Your game changes according to the course conditions. Isn't that what golf is all about, adapting to the course?

Also, many golf courses are being built to promote real estate in the area surrounding the golf courses. This will definitely add to the rise of green fees. Are you being ripped-off? Another thing that has changed for the worse is the use of riding carts. This is a costly added expense to your golf game and a lot of times a needless or unnecessary expense. Let's take a look at this expense.

Some golf courses make a cart mandatory which added to the green fees will raise their profits. Other courses require carts on the weekends but not on the weekdays. I suppose the thinking on mandatory weekend carts is it will help in speeding up play, which I don't agree. Think about it, with or without a cart, it will take you 5 to 6 hours to complete the round on a weekend. You are being ripped off.

There are too many bad golfers playing on the weekend which will slow down play and make you wait endlessly to hit your next shot. When this type of situation occurs it will only hurt your game. You will tighten up, lose concentration and guzzle beer after beer waiting to hit your next shot. All you are getting out of this round of golf is a buzz-on and sunburn which you could have done in your own backyard at very little cost. My thinking on this is to avoid the 6 hours trying to play a round of golf on the weekend.

The biggest rip-off of all is on those golf courses that a cart is mandatory but you are only allowed to drive it on the cart path. This kind of golf is utterly ridiculous. Let's take a look at this scenario. Suppose you hit your tee shot to the left and the cart path is on the right. Now what do you do? You don't know what kind of lie you have and you don't know the distance to the green for your next shot and it's a long walk to your ball. So you take two to three clubs out of your bag and take the long walk to your ball. After you hit the ball, you take the long walk back to the golf cart. The big problem is that this type of play goes on all day long - for the whole round. So, I ask you, why do you have to pay for a cart when you are walking most of the time anyway? Are you being ripped off?

I would like to add a page to my blog with golf courses whose fees are $25 or less to play a round of golf. Do you play one? If so, it would be much appreciated if you would share that information with me so I can post it for all golfers to see. What I would need is the name, cost to play the golf course (green fees and golf cart fees) and its location (City and State). Any other info you might know about the golf course would also be helpful.

I would then post it by state. It would give other golfers an opportunity to play your course at an affordable price. Please go to this article at Golfineer for more information.

By Walter David

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Walter_David

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Get a Grip - Simple Golf Grip Tips

If you're hoping to improve your golf game, there's no better place to start than at the one point where your body touches the club-your grip, that is. If you watch a professional golfer, you might see how he appears to merge with the club, becoming one with it. Golfer and club should function like a single well-oiled golfing machine. Therefore, a good grip is a fundamental piece of a great golf game. Forget anyone else who tells you otherwise. Your grip is key to your playing and if you don't learn it, you might as well stop playing golf altogether.

Now, let's be clear about this. This is not an exhaustive list of useful golf grip tips (there are plenty of books of golf grip tips online and in books). What these are ARE a few quick golf grip tips to help you improve your game by fixing your grip. Did I already say the grip is key?

Establish your grip. The golf club should lay across your fingers (Not your palm! Holding a club in the palm is a common mistake that will cost you power) diagonally; the top-end should rest by the base of your pinky and the head-end should touch the first joint of your pointer finger.

Place your thumb. Once the club is in your fingers, place your thumb on the back side of the shaft of the club.

Check for the V. If you're holding the club right, you will see a "V" emerging from the base of your thumb and forefinger.

I hope you use these tips the next time you play. It can't get any more basic than this, really: improve your grip and you improve your play.

By Rob Jeffries

Rob Jeffries is on a golfer's diet: he lives on greens as much as possible. He runs the popular website MyGolfGameNow.Com as an online resource for those who wish to improve their swing, lower their handicap, or simply have fun on the range. Check out the site today for golf grip tips and more!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Jeffries

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Stop Hooking the Golf Ball Instantly With These 3 Tips

To some golfers the slice is the biggest obstacle to playing golf, but for thousands of other golfers it is the dreaded hook. Hooking the golf ball is something that can be so frustrating that it almost caused the great Ben Hogan to quit the game before he over won a major championship. Now, after Hogan fixed his hook he went on to win 9 major championships, and here is how you can fix your hook to improve your scores.

1.The good news is that a hook is typically easier to fix than a slice. The most important thing about having your ball dive into the left hand rough is to understand why. The ball hooks because of excessive right to left spin, and this also puts some overspin on the ball causing it to crash into the ground.

2. To stop hooking the golf ball the first thing you need to do is open your stance. This means for a right handed golfer having your left foot about an inch further back than your right. This will enable you to swing more across your body which will counteract the right to left spin that you have been putting on the ball. This should help straighten out your shots by reducing spin.

3. Another cause of the dreaded hook is due to an excessively strong grip. This means that your left hand is on top of the club too much, and your right hand is under the club too much. To correct this, grip the club with your left hand first and make sure that only two knuckles are showing. On your right hand you want to be more wrapped around the club, and this will promote a square club face at impact and reduce your hook.

These three tips should help you to stop hooking the ball, and then you can learn to hit a little draw or fade and play the best golf of your life!

By Matthew Lord

See The Exact Methods I Use To Take 5 Strokes Off My Game and Play The Best Golf Of My Life!

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How to Break 100 - Stop the Embarassment Today!

One of the most frustrating things in golf is not knowing how to break 100. This is often the first goal that many new golfers have when starting out, and once you learn to make contact with the ball on the consistent basis, you are not far away from breaking 100. There are really 3 keys that you should focus on in order to shoot under 100, and here they are.

1. The first thing that you need to concentrate on in order to achieve your goals is to make sure that you are able to hit the ball in the fairway. To shoot double digits instead of triple digits you do not need to hit the ball far, however it is vital that you stay in the fairway, even if you only hit the ball 100 yards. To do this do not hit a drive off of the tee. Instead, take a 4 or 5 iron and put it slightly back of center in your stance. This should allow you to hit the ball low and straight, which is great when looking to break this milestone.

2. In addition to hitting the ball straight you need to be able to putt decent. of course you are not going to putt like the pros, but being able to make putts inside 10 feet and get the other ones really close is vital to your success. If you learn to take just 2 putts on each green then you are almost guaranteed to break 100.

3. Your chipping should be pretty good. Often times new golfers struggle with this, but really all you have to do is put the ball in the back of your stance and use an 8 iron. To often new golfers try to chip with a sand wedge or pitching wedge around the green, when is reality the best way to chip is to get the ball over the fringe and on the green as soon as possible. It is much easier to control a shot that is lower to the ground.

These three tips should help you in your quest to learn how to break 100. I have many more tips, but these should get you started and with a little "secret knowledge" You will break 90 before too much longer!

By Matthew Lord

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Lord

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