Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feel a Proper Golf Swing - Rhythm, Balance, Swing Plane, Core Strength and Power

Golf is a beautiful game because we never stop learning. While visiting several fellow golf professionals in Palm Springs to play and practice I immediately fell in love with a new tool called the Orange Whip. Working with over 40 students a week on their games I could not stop thinking about how many different swing faults I see. Common swing errors include: grip, coming over the top, casting, balance, rhythm, tempo, timing, swing plane and most of all developing more power (which all golfers want) through core strength and proper sequencing of the golf swing. Simplicity in golf instruction has always been a focus for me when sharing information. Rather than getting a dissertation of what to do the new tool immediately provided the feeling as to what to do.

When working with my students I explain it (audible), demonstrate it (visual) and get them to feel the difference (kinesthetic). The greatest improvement takes place when my clients understand why we are addressing the required change (creating trust and confidence in the change) because our bodies will not do anything properly until the mind can visualize it. We must be able to feel the correct motion and only then, almost instantly, drastic improvement takes place.

I feel this training tool is so revolutionary that I personally contacted the owner and developer so that my clients and students could order the tool at a discount. As a fellow student of the game I am always researching, experimenting, studying new swing theories, buying various training aids, furthering my own education and putting it to test with my own game in three arenas: practice, playing and the ultimate test tournament golf.

I love this game and am very particular which golf products I personally recommend. I believe in this one and have already seen an incredible change in my clients and my own feel. I would love to hear your feedback. I just wanted to share this with all fellow golfers.

Great Golfing,
Paul Holtby, PGA

By Paul Holtby


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