Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Importance of Timing and What it Means in a Golf Swing

Timing as in almost anything we do is a vital part of peak performance and golf in no exception. In our Golf Academy we always ask the pupils if timing is important. Everyone always nods their head in agreement of says yes. I always then ask the question what is timing. After 25 plus years of coaching I've yet to hear a satisfactory reply to that question.

So let's try and explain. In golf it's about creating the correct sequence of movements in the backswing and them the downswing. So the word that best describes timing is the correct "sequence". This could also be true in other areas such as the timing of a cars' engine or the timing of a comedian telling a joke you have to do the elements of what you are doing in the correct sequence.

Back to golf so what is the correct sequence? Our main objective in a golf swing is creating power in a simple way using what the body has. Stretching and contacting muscles is a key area that helps us generate club head speed.

In the backswing the club moves first by using the hands then arms, upper body (shoulders), hips, legs knee. With the lower body fixed in position by the feet we create a twisting motion that coils our body like a spring.

This however is not quite enough if you look closely in Golf Swing Software you will see that all top players create an extra stretch in the area of the top of the swing commonly called the transition. They achieve this by starting to shift their lower body weight towards the target and starting to unwind their hips as the club is still travelling in the backswing. This movement helps to provide this extra stretch and is the most important timing element in a golf swing. It's a very similar movement you will see in cracking a whip with two elements moving in opposite direction.

Club golfers rarely create this sequence and therefore loose much of their possible power and performance. You will also see the words Kinetic chain been used in golf literature this is the same thing that I have explained above. You can see this clearly by using Golf Swing Software

By Steve Gould

We at GASP Systems try and give tips, tricks and industry best practices to help you improve you golf game for a more enjoyable experience.

For more information and tips on golf please visit our website

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