Saturday, January 17, 2009

Golf Training Aids - Slick Sales Gimmick Or Real Help For Your Game?

The proliferation of golf training aids has skyrocketed along with the exploding popularity of the game itself. From direct response TV to radio, to magazines to the internet - sales presentations for golf training aids come in all shapes and sizes. Sadly - the vast majority of these golf devices fail to address the one true way to enhance the golfer's natural physical ability and golf performance.

While these various forms of direct response presentations offer insights as to what golfers are looking for and what they are willing spend their money on - they also expose the multitude of companies whose main goal is 'profits without fulfilling on the promise'.

However, it serves no purpose to judge or criticize the companies and people behind these golf product pitches. I think you are intelligent enough to know what you are seeing or hearing when watching these types of 'presentations'. But here's what golf industry insiders do say...

Regardless of the integrity or validity of an infomercial type golf training device (and there are DOZENS of them) - none will ever come close to what the effects of a full-body, golf-specific stretching exercise program will do for your game, your body and your life.

You can try to "groove your swing" 'till you drop, you can try to "change the mechanics of your faulty swing" 'til you collapse, you can swing a weighted club 'til your back cramps up - BUT none of this will enhance to range of motion and recoverability of your muscles and joints - between holes and between rounds.

I'm not against buying new golf clubs or an intriguing new training device - BUT It makes no sense to do any of that until you are properly treating your body to the one thing it needs most: FLEXIBILITY.

Don't be one of the golfers who learns this the hard way. Don't wait 'til a tweak or a muscle twinge starts to turn into a nagging chronic cramp - that develops into an injury "that just happened out of the blue." (physical therapists love golfers like this)

Many golfers - ranging from full time professionals to weekend hackers, have experienced this situation at one time or another. And although it's more prevalent in 'older' golfers - the effects of an 'un-tuned' body can also wreak havoc on a young golfer's body and game as well. In essence, the single-most effective way to improve your game is not with another 'breakthrough' golf training aid - but rather by following a golf specific stretching exercise program.

Improving your body - improves your physical ability in all regards. Power, endurance, recovery time and injury reduction and prevention are just some of the benefits you'll experience. And don't worry about your age... It's never too late to start a golf stretching program.

By Joey Atlas

Joey Atlas, Golf Conditioning Specialist and creator of Golf Stretching Exercise Program - offers several free golf exercise videos at his site - visit to get started.

Joey is also the best selling author of Fatness to Fitness, the Fitness Book.

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