Friday, March 14, 2008

The Basics Of Learning How To Play Golf

Learning how to play golf can be very difficult to say the least. If you have always wanted to learn how to play golf yourself, the basics that I am going to cover for you here will well and truly get you on your way to becoming a real keen and developed golfer.

First of all, if you're planning on learning how to play golf, there are a few very important things I think any beginner needs to know before they start on the fun journey of learning how to play golf.

You should always plan ahead in your learning experience. What and how much do you currently know about golf? How much do you think you need to learn? What exactly would you like to know? What kind of learning environment suits you best? Do you have any friends or do you know anyone who has more experience than you at golf, who can teach you the basics? You should think about these questions before you begin to learn how to play golf.

If you're a complete beginner and you're not familiar with holding and swinging a club correctly, the first thing you should do is learn how to grip a club correctly and which way is best for you. You should also practice your swing a lot, so get your butt down the driving range. You can also rent clubs at your local driving range if you haven't any clubs of your own. This will give you a good idea of what type of clubs would be best for you too. When learning how to play golf, this can help you in many ways.

Secondly you should always get on the course as soon as possible so you can get used with the setup of a golf course and get used to hitting out of and around obstacles. You can also learn the mentality and etiquette needed on the course to be a good humble golfer, which is the main characteristic of any golfer worth their salt.

Now, when you have become more confident with what is involved in the game of golf, you can then move onto the more advanced stages of learning how to play golf. You will soon notice that your swing is a not as natural as it could be, and when compared to those more experienced around you it could seem that you're not in complete control of your swing and the club.

One of the biggest challengers for beginners is learning how to obtain control of the swing and the club so you can develop a smooth and natural feel, resulting in more consistent, longer shots. There are many mistakes that beginners need to overcome before they can call themselves seasoned golfers. One of the many mistakes I see with beginners is they tend to hold the club too hard. They think that it will somehow give them more distance and more control in their shots, in fact they couldn't be more father from the truth.

Now, golfers tend to witness a lot of mistakes when they are learning how to play golf, and they often wish they had read up on and learned a lot more about golf before they started playing. Something I would recommend would be to invest in some training books, videos, magazines, and even training aids so that you can stay away from these mistakes and develop your golf game much faster. Only fools don't learn by other peoples mistakes.

By Robert J. Green

Robert is an avid golf enthusiast and a private golf coach. He has helped thousands of beginner's learn how to play golf. He has a site dedicated to beginner's learning how to play golf and has a free newsletter course also available for the beginner golfer.

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