Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Game of Golf

The Beginning

The origin of golf is open to debate as to being Chinese, Dutch or Scottish. However, modern golf is considered to be a Scottish invention, as the game was mentioned in two 15th century laws prohibiting the playing of the game of gowf. Every game of golf is based on playing a number of holes in a given order. Lots of people think that golf is the most boring televised sport there is, but I think it's because they don't really understand everything that goes into it. The good news is golf is very popular.

The Game

Golf is one of the few ball games that does not use a fixed, standardised playing field or area; defined in the Rules of Golf as "playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules. Every game of golf is based on playing a number of holes in a given order. The game is won by the party that wins more holes than the other. When the game is tied after the predetermined number of holes have been played, it may be continued until one side takes a one-hole lead, and thereupon immediately wins by one hole. The 2 main formulas used in the game are stroke play (also known as brutto or medal) and match play. The Stroke play formula is an individual way of playing the game as you are competing against the par of the course. The match play formula is a game during which two players play against each other.

A players handicap determines the quality of their game, making a player with a lower handicap better than one with a higher handicap. However, in practice, motivated and ambitious high handicap players strive to lower their handicaps and thus the current official one they show on their cards might not be their real current level, which consequently might put them in a favourable position when playing 'net' formula games.


Golf is played professionally in many different countries. Golf is clearly a game that is accessible to all people (provided you can pay the green fees). Golf is a mind game more than anything else. Filled with inspirational stories about the great players, great courses and great tournaments, GOLF IS A GAME OF CONFIDENCE encourages golfers, no matter what their level, to reach new heights in their games and their lives. Golf is the world's most rewarding sport.

By: Joe Dostal , Posted On: 2007-08-14

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