Monday, June 9, 2008

Power Sources That You Can Use to Increase Distance and Accuracy in Your Golf Swing

In the last article on the subject of "power sources" we talked about the importance of angles. We discussed how to create these angles and how to keep them once they were established. The angle between the right wrist and the forearm is key.

These angles are the meat and potatoes of your power source. However, there are several other very important power sources to include in the development of central power source usage.

So what are they? There are a bunch of small things that you have to do to maximize the power your body will deliver.

Well the trouble is, I don't want to make it so complicated that confusion sets in and interrupts the learning process. Let's try to keep it simple.

So here is a list of all the power sources that must come into play if you are to maximize your ability to complete the full circle of your power.

1. Angles

a. the angle between the right wrist and the right forearm

b. your spine angle

c. the angle between your right forearm and the clubs shaft.

d. the angle that the left wrist creates at the top of the swing ( not cupped)

e. D above is referred to as the "trayed position"

2. Weight shift

a. there is only one way to describe this, either you do it or you don't. But to get the most out of your power sources you must get a good weight shift. If you do not get a weight shift now, you must start to work on it. A big part of your power source is in the movement of the lower body in concert with maintaining great angles. If you have no or weight shift, you will find it impossible to keep good angles.

3. Your grip

a. Believe it or not, a poor grip can lead to tons of problems. Here is just one. If you have a weak grip, one where your right hand is more on top of the club and your left hand is more on the side of the club, you will have a tendency to roll your clubface open on the move away. This then, will require another move to get it back to square. Most people will use an early release to do this, or cast the club.

The trouble with that move is that by the time you get to impact your angles are totally spent, and so is your power.

If you could get into the perfect impact position very very very slowly, with no thought of actually hitting the ball, what do you think it would look and feel like?

My bet for most of you, is that you would have no idea. But you can see it easy enough. Just find a golf digest magazine and look at some of the pictures of the PGA players ( or LPGA) and then get into the exact position. To some, this may sound foolish. I understand that. But it's not. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Learn the impact position and then strive to get there on every swing. There is no better way of teaching yourself.

Or get to you local professional and tell them you want to know EXACTLY what the correct position is and how to get there in a slow methodical way. Just so you will know.

Here is a something that you can do as a drill to get the feeling of the power sources.

Take a wedge, get a really good grip. This is not the one you normally use, at least I don't think it is based on what I generally see. Try it this way. Left hand slightly on top of the club. Thumb on the side of the shaft, absolutely not on the top of the shaft. Right hand more on the side of the shaft and it's thumb is on the side not on top.

If you will put your hands together as if you were praying. That is together with the thumbs facing your nose, the knuckles of the the thumb. The hands are palm to palm. Now turn them to the right together. Turn them until you can see two knuckles of your left hand.

This is approximately the grip you need on the club. For all shots. ( at least for now)

OK.. now back to the wedge. With this grip, without moving bend your right wrist back toward your right forearm. Do not cock you wrist toward you. It is just a bend toward your right forearm. If you now take this to the top of your swing, you should be in the " trayed position"

If you aren't you need to start over. Try it again.

Back to the beginning. Get a good grip. In you setup position, now bend your right wrist back toward you right forearm. Take this position into a backswing that puts the club in a half swing position.

You absolutely must maintain the angle of your right wrist while doing this.

No excuses.

The idea here is to teach the power sources, what they are, and then give you an idea how to create and maintain them.

You will be shocked and amazed at how crisply you will hit the ball if you will just learn to do this drill.

Now that you are in a half swing position with your wedge, you need to remember that as you move toward the impact position two things must happen.

You will bump you left hip toward the target, at the exact same time you will drop your right elbow toward your right hip. All the while maintaining your right wrist position. Loose this position and the drill is useless.

So, it is bump,a drop and then a hit. Your hands will be slightly ahead of the ball at impact. There is no half measure here. Once again, your hands will be slightly ahead of the ball at impact.

Your right wrist position will still be maintained through impact and you will be on your left side because of your weight shift.

Remember this is a drill and so it does not have to happen lightning quick. Bump and drop. This can be a drill of it's own.. try it.

Once you learn to create and maintain the angles and get a weight shift you will become a player. There is no doubt about it.

A magical move or two will transform most players into a force to be reckoned with. Maybe your one of them.

By Paul Macleod

If you want to know if there are any real magic moves in the golf swing the answer is yes, there are four. You can learn the first one here for free and take it to the range for a spin, click here:

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