Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Easy Golf Exercises to Improve Your Golf Game

There are many easy golf exercises you can use to improve your golf game that involve little or no equipment. First, though, what is the purpose of using them? There is little point in carrying out exercises unless you are sure of what you are trying to achieve.

A professional golfer is fit and supple, with lots of flexibility in his or her muscles, but also a lot of strength and rotational capability. You are not expected to be as fit as a top pro since they have their own fitness trainers in additional to golf coaches, and many of the other pros that make up the circuit have to resort to fitness DVDs that they watch at night.

However, even though you don't have their resources, if you are serious about improving your game you can copy them to an extent by carrying out regular exercises to keep you fit for golf. Before discussing the exercises, let's have a look at the reasons for them; what you are actually exercising and why.

There are three aspects of golf fitness that you should work on, and none of them include practicing on the driving ranges or practice greens. These are not about the actual golf mechanics, but about your ability to carry them out. The three are your flexibility and suppleness, your rotational strength and your general stamina. A quick look at all three before looking at them individually:

Flexibility is necessary for your limbs to withstand the rotational movements of the golf swing and to allow you to wind up your body like a spring with loads of potential energy ready to be unleashed in a powerful swing and follow right through so that you are able to end up with your hands just about where they started the swing off. Rotational strength is needed so that you can whip your body round in the swing and impart as much kinetic energy as possible through the club and club face into the ball. The more energy the ball has, the farther it will go. The stamina is needed to allow you to do that from between one and two (hopefully) times every hole for eighteen holes, possibly twice a day (we shan't count the short game and putts here).

That's the why, so now the how. Perhaps you can't afford all the training equipment the pros have, and even that your neighbor has, and you don't need it. There are lots of possibilities around your home that you can use as training equipment - even a can of beans! Let's look at each of these. First the flexibility.

You can become more flexible by twisting your body around from the waist. That is the part that twists most during your drive, and if you get that right then the rest should follow. Sit in a chair and hold your arms out in front of you. You can hold a can of beans in each hand if you don't have a medicine ball to hold. Slowly twist to the right as far as you can go with your arms out straight holding your weights, hold it for four seconds, and then back. Do the same the other side, and carry out six to eight repetitions. If you do that once or twice a day you will soon notice the difference.

Another one is to hold a club round your shoulders and do the same twists. The idea is practice twisting your body round as far as you can do, holding it and repeating again and again. Now for the strength part. The idea here is to build up your rotational strength, so that when the time comes you can hammer the golf ball down the fairway so far you can't see where it landed.

A good tool is a weighted golf club, but if your finances are tight you can use a heavy iron bar or something similar. What you do is swing as if your were swinging your golf club, and the added weight will soon build up strength in the muscles you are using in your swing. Do that several times a day, and you will soon notice the difference on the course. You will find your swing easier, and that your ball will be traveling farther. You will also suffer fewer niggly pains after your round, because your body will be fitter and better tuned for the stresses that golf puts on it.

Finally your stamina. This is where you can use that gym treadmill! That is about the only use for it to a golfer - in allowing you to walk the course a bit easier. You can achieve the same thing jogging, or even by making a conscious effort to walk faster between shots. Especially your drive: if you power walk that 300 or 400 yards (you wish!) you will find your stamina improving rapidly.

All of these are easy exercises to improve your golf game without needing any specialized equipment. Try them out - they do work, believe me. If they don't you are not doing them right!

By Andre Sanchez

Easy Golf Exercises to Improve Your Golf Game was originally published at http://www.golfplayernow.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andre_Sanchez

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